Ascaris Lumbricoides – Children’s Worms – characteristics
Ascaris Lumbricoides is the largest of all intestinal nematodes. In addition, it is one of the most common parasites in humans. Children’s Worms are quite big round worms; the females reach 35 cm, while the males – 30 cm in length. They reproduce sexually producing abundantly eggs. Through human feces, they infect the soil, water, vegetables. By means of dust, they can spread everywhere. Humans get infected through ingestions. Eggs usually hatch in the small intestines and the free small larvae migrate to the lungs, trachea, and pharynx, irritating the tissues on the way. At this stage, the infected persons complain from irritation and cough, especially in reclined position.

Children’s Worms have developed a highly specialized mode of survival in our digestive system. The Ascaris Lumbricoides parasites destroy the proteolytic enzymes of the pancreas in humans. Therefore, they can lead in the long-term to anemia and disorders of the pancreas and the spleen.

This could possibly be attributed to substances in parasites that inhibit human proteolythic enzymes pepsine, tripsine, himotripsin and metalocarboxypeptidases. These inhibitors prevent the parasites from being digested in the duodenum and the small intestines.
Most common complains among children include: persisting rhinitis, cough, sleep disturbances, affected cognitive abilities, inability to concentrate, nervousness, fits of temper.
Ascaris Lumbricoides – Children’s Worms treatment
Para-7® product can successfully fight those parasites in all of their phases. It is safe for children, pregnant and lactating women. Please observe the dosage instructions.
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