Trichomonas vaginalis – characteristics
Trichomonas vaginalis is a unicellular motile protozoan. Its size is microscopic (on average 10-20 µм) and cannot be seen with the naked eye. The parasite reproduces by division every 8-12 hours. Characteristic of Trichomonas vaginalis is their ability to devour other microorganisms (bacteria) thus retaining pathogenic agents of other infections, including sexually transmitted diseases such as gonococcal infection (gonorrhea). That is why oftentimes with trichomoniasis – the condition named after the parasite causing it – there are co-infections.
The appearance and morphology of all Trichomonas vaginalis are the same – motile flagellated trophozoite, with four longer posterior flagella, one anterior and several shorter ones for attachment. The parasite feeds through the membrane and can process glucose.
Infection in humans is sexually transmitted. The parasite can survive outside a host for as long as 24 hours – in urine, seminal fluid, and fresh water.

Until recently it was believed to cause a relatively minor inflammation, trichomoniasis, yet newer research suggests a connection with much more serious sexually transmitted diseases: HPV, HIV and irreversible malignant changes in tissues. In addition to the urogenital areas, the parasite can lodge and live in the respiratory system, with manifestation of bronchitis, pneumonia, and oral lesions.
Inflammations caused by this parasite in pregnant women may lead to premature birth and low birth weight of infants. Inflammatory conditions caused by the parasite in the pelvic area, such as vaginitis and colpitis in women and urethritis and prostatitis in men, are associated with infertility. In most cases infections have no symptoms, especially in males. Usually the symptom is vaginal or urethral discharge. Irritation and inflammation of the cervix, with severe reddening, itching, burning sensation, and painful urination in women occur. Men can experience irritation after urination and/or ejaculation.

Detection of the parasite is done by testing under a microscope of samples of vaginal mucus, urine, or sperm. The overnight culture method is considered golden standard, with reliability between 75-95%.
Conventional medicine treats the parasite primarily with Metronidazole and Tinidazole. Oftentimes Ornidazole, Carnidazole and Nimorazole are prescribed as well. The problem with standard treatment is that in half of the patients administered the said medicines, infection re-occurs within three months after the treatment.

Homeopathy preparations that work well for this are Helonias and Clematis.
Para-7® is a product for lasting and safe treatment of Trichomonas vaginalis. In view of the persistence of this parasite and high incidence in humans, we do recommend that couples take Para-7® once a year for prevention.
Thank you for this information! Wonderful!
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Некулицы Иван
It is the amusing answer
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