A series of articles on the above topic will help you get familiar with bacteria and other pathogens that Magnesium Detox® fights.
Every article will be illustrated with the relevant clinical cases from Dr. Grigorova’s practice. The clinical cases of bacteria and other pathogens that Magnesium Detox® fights, involve actual patients who gave their consent to be documented in our registers and to have their cases presented. In our registers patients may be with their initials yet all clinical cases described on this website are proven in laboratory settings, and patients have produced official diagnoses from a medical establishment.
The presence of Borrelia bacteria can be suspected whenever there are insect bites such as lice or tick bites. Other animals and insects can carry the infection too when bitten by ticks – rodents, deer, dogs, horses, and cows.

The Borrelia are of the Spirochaetes genus. They are easily seen under microscope as longish fibers with several flagella.

One of the groups of bacteria causes relapsing fever, while another – a chronic condition called Lyme disease. The infection primarily takes place through ticks and/or by way of the urine of infected animals. Lyme disease is not transmitted from person to person.
Acute fever follows infection, with high temperature and expanding circular reddening of the skin at the bite site. This is called Erythema Migrans and is reported in 70-80% of infected patients.

Lyme disease
The above is the description of the first stage of the disease. It can pass easily, making people mistakenly think all is resolved. This first stage sometimes is associated with weak manifestations, people not even having memory of being bitten. The second stage of the Lyme disease involves neurological and cardiac symptoms such as pareses, palsy, sensorial disorders, meningitis, cardiac disorders, rhythm disorders. In the third phase symptoms of the gastrointestinal and urinary systems, as well as of the joints are observed. Oftentimes arthritis follows. Dermal lesions are characteristic, such as erythematous plaques and cutaneous atrophy.
Lyme disease is a very serious condition that can lead to severe damage of joints and muscles, as well as to neurodegenerative disorders that are progressively debilitating and impairing patients’ quality of life. The successful treatment of Lyme disease is a process that should not be interrupted or stopped altogether before completion despite the improvement of the patient in the meantime.
Clinical cases of Bacteria and Other Pathogens That Magnesium Detox® Fights
Borrelia infection determined with lab test
Patient | Age | Sex | Complaints/Official diagnosis | Visit |
A. K. | 75 | Female | Laboratory blood test positive for Borrelia | 1st |
Mrs. A. K. got a tick bite four years prior. This caused fever and high temperature. Blood tests proved positive for Borrelia infection. Treatment with antibiotics followed immediately. Following the treatment the patient developed multiple food allergies and sustained consecutive fractures of her arms at the elbow. Recently she complained with extreme weakness. Blood work showed elevated titers of antibodies against Borrelia again. In addition to the overall weakness, the patient reported that recently she ate a lot of sweet food and did not sleep well.
Following the examination and the Voll’s method we applied we determined that the patient was positive for Borrelia. The small intestines of the patient tested high for Borrelia. The bacteria there thrived on the sugary environment. The lung and the urinary bladder were severely affected. The lymphatic and the immune systems were highly engaged explaining the newly acquired allergies.
The patient was prescribed treatment involving Magnesium Detox, ¼ tea spoon twice a day, before meals, together with a three-month diet with no sugar, fresh milk, cheese, vinegar and alcohol.
Visit |
2nd |
The second visit of the patient was seven months later. The lady had adhered to the therapy prescribed by Dr. Grigorova and felt much better. The reason for the second visit was that the patient started feeling weak again in the few days before that. Voll test was administered. The test for Borrelia was negative, but the test for Adenovirus was positive. Treatment for the latter was prescribed.
Clinical Case – Acute form of Lyme disease.
Patient | Age | Sex | Complaints/Official diagnosis | Visit |
S. A. | 33 | Male | Laboratory blood test positive for Borrelia | 1st |
Mr. S. A. traveled twice to Asia in the previous two years. During his first trip he got a tick bite. Three consecutive tick bites happened over a period of two months during his second trip. Recent lab test proved Lyme disease. He was treated for three weeks with Vibramycin with the hope of curing the condition. Regretfully, the latest blood test following the administered treatment with antibiotics was again positive for Lyme disease, the immunoglobulin being twice the normal values. The young man complained of pain in the joints, stiffness and pain in the muscles of the back and constant fatigue. He also suffered from bloating and persistent flatulence.
The Voll test was positive for Borrelia. The signals from the gastrointestinal system, the liver, the gallbladder, the large intestine, and joints were far above the normal levels. For us this was acute Lyme disease.
The patient was prescribed treatment that included Magnesium Detox®, ¼ tea spoon twice a day before meals, as well as diet without sugar, vinegar, alcohol, milk and cheese for three months.
Visit |
2nd |
The second visit was three months after the initial one. The stomach complaints were resolved as was the entire host of the remaining symptoms described above. The patient felt he had recovered his health and was energized. He got enough Magnesium Detox® supplies to last him for the coming trips to other continents.
Clinical Case – Borrelia that affected the hormonal system
Patient | Age | Sex | Complaints/Official diagnosis | Visit |
D. I. | 24 | Female | Endocrinology tests, diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis four months prior | 1st |
The patient remembered being bitten by an insect that was unfamiliar to her and that she cannot identify seven months prior. She reported reddening at the bite site but soon thereafter forgot about it and worried no longer. Since then she had not been feeling well, complaining with overall weakness and difficulties falling asleep. She gained weight substantially over these seven months. She reported bloating, especially in the area of the abdomen. Enlargement of the thyroid made her see an endocrinologist. The doctor confirmed the gland had enlarged and found that the thyroid hormones were out of balance – the level of the T4 hormone was too low (5.62 compared to a reference range of 12-22) and the level of the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) was high (100 versus a normal value of 4.2). Four months prior to the visit the patient was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease. She also suffered from painful menstruation, and onset of hirsutism (excessive unwanted hair growth) was reported.
First visit
The Voll analysis checked out positive for Borrelia. Values were high for the immune system and the spleen. The large intestine and the kidney were affected seriously. The hormones were out of balance and inflammation of the genitals was detected.
The patient was prescribed treatment that included Magnesium Detox® twice daily and appropriate diet.
Visit |
2nd |
The patient missed her follow-up appointment three months later. Instead, she came in 12 months after the first visit. The patient brought flowers, she was in excellent health, and apologized for failing to show for the check-up. She explained she believed she was cured.
The Borrelia test was negative.
Visit |
3rd |
Five months later. Gaining weight, bloating, and the feeling of weakness in the morning resumed. The patient had no other complaints.
The Borrelia test was positive.
The bacterium grew in the small intestines, affecting the left kidney and the hormonal system on the same side. The bacterium demonstrated its ability to reoccur and persist. We changed the main treatment without altering the Magnesium Detox® however. Herbal agrimony tea (Agrimonia eupatoria) was added. A different diet was prescribed too.
Visit |
4th |
After one month.
The patient soon felt a change for the better. The morning lethargy disappeared. She walked daily big distances to and from work. She felt again full of energy and life, her period back to normal. The Borrelia test was negative, all values were normal. Nevertheless the treatment was to continue three more months, according to the latest advice.
Visit | |
5th | 6th |
The patient felt excellent. All values were within the normal ranges. The Borrelia test was negative.
Comment by Dr. Grigorova: The Borrelia bacteria can indeed cause persistent infections. In this case the patient, thanks to her keen observation and care of her own health, reported the relapse on time. I believe that diet, eating, is crucial when fighting Borrelia, as the intestines are essentially the incubator of the pathogen. The herbal tea is also important. It helps cleanse the gastrointestinal system. Changing the composition of the drops is necessary as we cannot know for sure if some strain of the bacteria has survived and keeps working, enjoying the conditions suitable for its life cycle. Having in mind the seriousness of the Lyme disease, check-ups over an extended period of time are required.
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