Bacteria and Other Pathogens That Magnesium Detox® Fights
A series of articles on the above topic will help you get familiar with all the types of pathogens (bacterial or fungal) Magnesium Detox® successfully fights. One of the most common are Streptococcus and Staphylococcus.
Every article will be illustrated with the relevant clinical cases from Doctor Grigorova‘s practice. The clinical cases involve actual patients who gave their consent to be documented in our registers and to have their cases presented. In our registers patients may be with their initials yet all clinical cases described on this website are proven in laboratory settings, and patients have produced official diagnoses from a medical establishment.
Streptococcus and Staphylococcus description
Ourexperience shows that oftentimes people suffer from both Streptococci andStaphylococci at one and the same time. Therefore the two bacteria are reviewedin a single article.
Description of Streptococci | Description of Staphylococci |
Streptococci bacteria are from the order Lactobacilliales. There are more than 50 different species. They have microscopic bodies, 1 micrometer in size and form chains. | Staphylococci bacteria are from the order Bacillales, 1 micrometer in size. They form grape-like clusters. They are Gram-positive and facultative anaerobic organisms. Their variety is staggering, some 30 species being pathogenic for humans. |
Staphylococci and Streptococci Damages

Damages inflicted by Streptococci | Damages inflicted by Staphylococci |
Their main property is to rupture erythrocytes. This is a process called hemolysis. The integrity of the red blood cells is destroyed allowing hemoglobin-rich cytoplasm from the cell to be released into the surrounding fluid. They are classified as follows: Alpha-hemolytic (Pneumococcus, S. Viridans, S. Sanguinis, S. Thermophilus, S. Faecalis (Enterococcus Faecalis) etc.)Beta-hemolytic (S. Pyogenes, S. Agalactiae, S. Mitis, S. Dysgalactiae, S. Faecium, S. Anginosus and many others.) A characteristic feature of beta-hemolytic streptococci is that they cause full lysis not just of erythrocytes, but of lymphocytes and leucocytes too. Thus they interfere seriously with the immune system. They produce enzymes (exotoxins) called Streptolysin O and Streptolysin S thereby inducing complete hemolysis. (An indication of hemolysis is the coloring of blood and plasma samples in pink to red. If the blood sample taken is transparent and with a special brightness, this means it contains no intact erythrocytes.) | They produce the enzyme catalase which breaks down hydrogen peroxide released by the cells of the immune system to fight pathogens. In this way Staphylococci protect their cell walls. In addition to catalase, they produce other enzymes – coagulase, staphylokinase, hyaluronidase, lipase, beta-lactamase and desoxyribonuclease – that destroy the cells of the host. They also produce three types of toxins: – Superantigens (enterotoxins В, С) causing organ toxicity, erythematous rash, skin desquamation, abdominal pain and diarrhea; in some cases life-threatening toxic shock syndrome can result. – Exfoliative toxin destroying skin and other tissues. – Other toxins (alpha, beta and delta toxins), as well as the pigment staphyloxanthin which acts as antioxidant, and like catalase, destroys oxidizing agents produced by the cells of the immune system to fight pathogenic bacteria. |
Staphylococci and Streptococci Diseases

Diseases caused by Streptococci | Diseases caused by Staphylococci |
The bacteria can cause a vast range of very dangerous diseases: Inflammation of the oral cavity; Tonsillitis; Streptococcal pharyngitis; Sinusitis; Otitis; Pneumonia; Meningitis; Severe dermal infections and ulcers; Heart damage – endocarditis and valve disorders; Rheumatism; Colonies in the intestines; Colonies in the genitals; Colonies in the kidneys; Bacteraemia (blood poisoning); Necrotising fasciitis; Toxic shock syndrome. | They produce the enzyme catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide released by the cells of the immune system to fight pathogens. In this way, Staphylococci protect their cell walls. In addition to catalase, they produce other enzymes – coagulase, staphylokinase, hyaluronidase, lipase, beta-lactamase and desoxyribonuclease – that destroy the cells of the host. They also produce three types of toxins: – Superantigens (enterotoxins В, С) causing organ toxicity, erythematous rash, skin desquamation, abdominal pain and diarrhea; in some cases life-threatening toxic shock syndrome can result. – Exfoliative toxin destroying skin and other tissues. – Other toxins (alpha, beta and delta toxins), as well as the pigment staphyloxanthin which acts as antioxidant, and like catalase, destroys oxidizing agents produced by the cells of the immune system to fight pathogenic bacteria. |
Staphylococci and Streptococci conventional therapy
Streptococci – test methods and conventional therapy | Staphylococci – test methods and conventional therapy |
Laboratory testing of Streptococci include media tests, Rapid Antigen Detection test (RADT), which comes in several forms, DNA test, etc. Speed is crucial for test methods, as these bacteria tend to proliferate rapidly causing severe problems. Treatment: Conventional medicine relies on antibiotics such as Penicillin, Erythromycin, Amoxicillin, Clindamycin. Antimicrobial resistance however is a major issue, as Streptococci are among the most resistant and widely spread in humans. | Laboratory tests rely on enzyme tests, PCR analysis, Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE), MLST method and many more newer and quicker tests. Speed is of the essence, as is quick and timely response – the bacteria are very dangerous, particularly for infants and young children. Treatment: No vaccine against Staphylococci is available to date. Conventional medicine employs antibiotics, such as Penicillin, but since for quite some time we have developed resistance to Penicillin, other antibiotics are used too: Methicillin, Flucloxacillin, Cloxacillin etc. Also, because of the wide-spread Methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococci (MRS, Methicillin-resistant S. aureus – MRSA), Vancomycin andTeicoplanin are prescribed intravenously. Since 2002 Vancomycin-resistant strains (Vancomycin-resistant strains of S. aureus – VRSA) are proven to exist, which comes to show how quickly Staphylococci evolve and challenge both medicine and all of us. |
Staphylococci and Streptococci – integrative treatment

Streptococci – integrative treatment | Staphylococci – integrative treatment |
Homeopathic remedies confirmed through Voll Test: – Crataegus, Dioscorea, Kali bichromicum, Kali suphuricum, Phytolacca, Urtica urens – Acidum sulphuricum, Arsenicum album, Kalium arsenicum, Kali carbonicum, Kali muriaticum, Mercurius solubilis, Mercurius cyanatus, Natrum arsenicum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron, Sticta pulmonaria. New potentiated remedies confirmed through Voll Test: Aloe vera, Anacardium, Aconitum, Callisia fragrans, Chrysanthemum fol., Clinopodium vulgare, Crotalus horridus, Curcuma longa, Epilobium parviflorum, Ginkgo biloba, Hydrocotyle asiatica. Laurus Nobilis, Mesembria anthemum, NS-BG-comp., Sideritis scardica, Theobroma cacao, Vidatox (Blue scorpio). Healing plants confirmed through Voll Test: Thyme (Thymus vulg.), Yellow bedstraw (Galium verum), Goldenrod (Solidago virgin/aureus), Ironwort (Sideritis scardica), Cinquefoils (Potentilla taurica), Narrowleaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata). Terrain remedy – oxygenating agents: Samento® drops, Schweden Bitter® tincture, Propolis 30% tincture, Cellfood®, Magnesium Detox® Diet – Forbidden foods: sugar, vinegar, alcohol, fresh milk, cheeses. | Homeopathic remedies confirmed through Voll Test: Cactus, Convallaria, Phytolacca, Strophanthus, Silicea;Antimonium arsenicum, Chininum arsenicum, Coffea, Hepar sulphuricum, Kalium bichromicum, Mercury salts. New potentiated remedies confirmed through Voll Test: Amigdalin (B-17), Chelidonium majus, Chrysanthemum, Clinopodium vulg., Curcuma longa, Epilobium parviflorum, Formica rufa, Fraxinus excelsior, NS-BG-comp., Oleander, PC-1, Pelargonium roseum, Phytolacca, Pyrogen, R-comp., Teobroma cacao. Healing plants confirmed through Voll Test: Thyme (Thymus vulg.), Yellow bedstraw (Galium verum), Goldenrod (Solidago virga-aurea), Ironwort (Sideritis scardica ), Wild basil (Clinopodium vulg.), Hen of the woods (Maitake mushroom) (Grifola frondosa). Terrain remedy – oxygenating agents: Samento® Drops, Schweden Bitter® tincture, Propolis 30% tincture, Cellfood®, Magnesium Detox® Diet – Forbidden foods: sugar, vinegar, alcohol and all dairy products. |

Clinical Cases – Patients with Streptococci
Clinical case – Streptococci in the urinary tract
Patient | Age | Gender | Complaints/Official diagnosis | Visit |
E. A. | 74 | Female | Laboratory test of urine sample positive for streptococci | First |
The lady attributed all her ailments to age. She had been hypertensive for 20 years, all the time taking drugs against high blood. She complained with severe pain in all joints, pain being stronger on the left side – in the left shoulder, hip and leg. She reported feeling tired, old and sick, urinating often, with occasional incontinence.
Voll test was positive for streptococci, with worrying signals in the kidneys, bladder, spleen, and joints. Kidneys and joints had strong signals of the bacterium just on the left.
The six-month treatment included diet, homeopathy and general therapy – Magnesium Detox® .
Visit |
Second |
Six months thereafter: The patient adhered strictly to the prescribed treatment. The only exception was going slack on the diet in the last two months. She lost 3 kilos, her blood pressure was normal (128/80 mm); urination improved significantly, and joint pain was gone. A new Voll test showed normal values for everything.
Comment by Doctor Grigorova:
The Streptococci caused inflammation in the kidneys which led to high blood pressure and problems with joints.
Normal blood pressure depends on many things: proper renal and adrenal function through the renin–angiotensin system; vascular and lymphatic vessels, cardiac function, balanced endocrine system. It is also affected much by the emotional state.
In this case kidney and bladder function was compromised not due to age but due to chronic infection. Many elderly people suffer from joint problems believing this is normal for ‘the age’. However, the problems with joints are nothing short of chronic inflammations indifferent places in the body left untreated. Endogenous toxins resulting from these processes accumulate in joints and cause inflammation. In this particular case pain in joints resolved once the bacterial infection was eliminated. The treatment relied primarily on herbal potentiated remedies combined with a relevant powerful oxygenation agent as terrain remedy. With age, every step towards better health is priceless as it improves quality of life.
Clinical case with coughing, pneumonia, and allergies in a three-year-old
Patient | Age | Gender | Complaints/Official diagnosis | Visit |
S. B. | 3 | Female | Official diagnosis – pneumonia with suspected asthmatic conditions. | First |
Little S. B. had been already twice in hospital with pneumonia. Currently strong barking cough resumed, intensifying and worsening gradually from 7–8 p.m. up until 1-2 a.m. The parents were in panic. The paediatrician believed the child was on the way to develop asthma and complemented the antibiotic treatment with inhalation solution of Ventolin®. The parents wanted Voll test for allergy in order to cut off food- and environment-related irritants.
Voll test and Allergy test: The child had allergy to herbaceous plants, dog hair, down, nuts, dairy products, sugar, rice, honey and strawberries.
Recommendation: Minimization of food- and environment-related adverse factors. We wanted to study the etiology of the condition of the immune system of the child was in.
Test of organs: Pneumococcus (+) positive.
The bacteria were lodged in the lungs of the child. The immune and the lymphatic system also reacted.
Treatment with herbal and homeopathic drops, along with Magnesium Detox® was prescribed.
Visit |
Second |
The second visit was fifteen days later. Coughing had stopped right on the second day of treatment, yet towards the end of the second week it would recur, usually around 7-8 p.m.
Voll test was once again positive for pneumococci.
Same treatment was recommended.
Visit |
Third |
The child was cough-free, forty days later she felt good. The mother feared that the allergies and the general condition of the child might worsen with the start of the hay fever season.
Voll test: Pneumococcus (-) negative.
Test values were all normal. The advice for parents was to keep the child away from allergens in the coming three months.
Comment by Doctor Grigorova:
There is always a cause for an irritated immune system. This reason should always be identified and resolved. I do not agree with the approach of some allergy specialists who recommend staying away from allergens for life without addressing the root cause. In this particular case some of the allergens were foods to be avoided when fighting the bacterial pathogen (sugar, honey, and dairy products). The other allergens show the engagement of the immune system and the general weakening of the organism. Children much more easily deal with allergies than adults. Usually avoidance and restrictions for three months are enough, if coupled with the relevant etiological treatment. Sometimes detox for a month or two for children improves the immune system, allowing it to switch back to normal mode.
Clinical case – periodontitis and gingivitis
Patient | Age | Gender | Complaints/Official diagnosis | Visit |
T. M. | 47 | Female | Official diagnosis – periodontitis and gingivitis | First |
For three years Mrs. T. M. had been suffering from problems with teeth and gums. She had been seeing a dentist all the time and yet with little improvement. At the time of the first visit she was with gingivitis and a gum fistula with pus discharge up left. She reported she generally did not feel well, with bloating, joint pain, constant fatigue and pale and swollen face.
Voll test: Streptococcus (+) positive.
The lymphatic system signalled inflammatory process in the oral cavity on the left, bilateral strong engagement of the immune system, and bacterial colonies in the intestines and right kidney. The liver, joints and genitals on the right were also affected.
Treatment included homeopathy combined with Propolis tincture 30% and Magnesium Detox® .
Visit |
Second |
Four months later: The patient had been adhering to the treatment and the diet for three months. She lost two kilos and is no longer swollen. Teeth and gums are good, free from any inflammations or fistula.
Voll test: All values are normal.
After this the lady started bringing in her little daughter every 3-4 months. Each time I would examine both of them. The woman had no periodontitis or gingivitis in the three years thereafter, nor had she any streptococcal infection.
Comment by Doctor Grigorova:
The treatment of the oral cavity was supplemented with etiological treatment against the bacteria causing the periodontitis and the gingivitis. Success followed. This case shows how bacteria from the oral cavity colonize the intestines, affect the liver, kidneys and joints. Indeed, health starts from teeth and intestines.
Clinical Cases – Patients with Staphylococci
Clinical case – drug-dependent male with chronic boils (furuncles)
Patient | Age | Gender | Complaints/Official diagnosis | Visit |
Z. V. | 37 | male | MRS | First |
Mr. Z. V. for a long time had been suffering from boils in the arm pits (axillas) and in the inguinal (groin) region. Despite numerous attempts to treat the problem, it persisted. At the time of the patient’s first visit the condition had been more acute, tremendously affecting the patient. He looked heavy, swollen and unhealthy. He had been taking drugs for eight years and was struggling hard to stop. At the time of the visit he was taking Substitol®, 200 mg daily, for the morphine dependency. If the patient did not take the morphine substitute he would have severe withdrawal symptoms, including pain all over the body. The man felt unwell and was aware his health was not good. He was resolved to make a change and reverse things.
Voll test: Staphylococcus (+) positive.
Streptococcus (+) positive.
The immune and the lymphatic systems were affected as were the lungs, kidneys spleen, and small intestines. The liver was struggling with the toxins from the drugs but was free of any inflammation. This was indicated by the fact that the organ was back to normal with the help of the homeopathic remedy Opium 200 CH.
The patient was prescribed a combination of homeopathy and Magnesium Detox® for six months, as well as diet.
Visit |
Second |
17 months later. The patient adhered to the therapy. He lost 15 kg and was very happy. Boils were gone in the first three months and did not reappear ever since. Abstinence symptoms were far less severe. Opium 200 CH drops were a major help. The dose of Substitol was decreased in half. The patient reported that he had met a wonderful woman and started a fulfilling relationship. He was determined to leave the past behind. The reason for the visit was to ask for something to boost his libido.
Voll test: Staphylococcus (-) negative.
Streptococcus (-) negative.
All values were normal, including those for the liver. Homeopathic drops testosterone as well as 200 CH for another month were prescribed.
Comment by Doctor Grigorova:
The main problem for the patient was the drug dependence, not the boils. Substitol® was to be blamed too as it had narcotic properties and, as it was demonstrated, it burdened the liver a lot. The homeopathic remedy Opium 200 CH helped immensely clean the body from toxins which in turn alleviated the withdrawal. The treatment of the two types of bacteria was done in an oxygenation setting thus allowing the immune system to overcome the enzyme defence of the pathogens Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. I do hope that the life of this man has taken a turn for the better.
Clinical case – Alzheimer
Patient | Age | Gender | Complaints/Official diagnosis | Visit |
H. H. | 62 | Male | Alzheimer | First |
Mr. H. H. (65) was a handsome nice man. He looked good yet was diagnosed with Alzheimer. MRI showed small hollows in the brain tissue. Blood tests showed high values of homocysteine (16.07). Memory and cognitive abilities were suboptimal and deteriorating. The man was very worried, did not want his name recorded. He said he came in just for advice, being fully aware that his condition was hardly treatable.
Voll test: Staphylococcus (+) positive.
Streptococcus (+) positive.
Alumina 200 CH (+) positive.
There were indications of spinal and central nervous system neurodegeneration. Excessively strong signals from the Nd/NE meridian went back to normal after testing with the homeopathic remedy Alumina 200 CH. The system indicated chronic infection with Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. The spleen normalized with the combined product for those infections (А-mix), as well as with the supplement Homocysteine modulator®.
A complex treatment protocol was drawn that included the above preparations along with Magnesium Detox® .
Comment by Doctor Grigorova:
I had two takeaways from this clinical case:
– First, chronic inflammations caused by toxic bacteria definitely play a role for brain damage;
–– Second, aluminium is a metal harmful for the neural tissue and brain function and perhaps is connected with the disease.
This man never came for a second visit. I cannot be sure whether he understood and remembered what I told him. What I would want, however, is that Voll test specialists be sensitized and think of connecting the meridian of neurodegeneration with chronic infections and unwanted presence in blood and tissues of metal ions that probably interfere with and disrupt the complex catalytic processes in our bodies.
Clinical case – Staphylococcal infection combined with Proteus.
Patient | Age | Gender | Complaints/Official diagnosis | Visit |
R. L. | 41 | Female | Laboratory test of urine sample positive for staphylococci | First |
Mrs. R. L. was a mother of a toddler of two and a half years. She felt extremely tired. She complained with back pain; she regularly saw a chiropractor for spine adjustment but the problems persist. Her dental health was compromised, including gums. She had abdominal discomfort and reproductive system issues, occasionally complaining with irregular vaginal discharge. Her urinary system gave her troubles too. Two months prior she had her urine tested, the result coming back positive for Streptococcus. She was administered antibiotic against the bacteria. The urinary discomfort was relieved, but all the other problems remained.
Voll test: Staphylococcus (+) positive.
Proteus (+) positive.
Bacteria were detected in the intestines and the gall bladder. There was inflammation in the right ovary. The immune system and the spleen were mobilized to fight the infection. The lymphatic system indicated the problems in the oral cavity on the right. All other indicators, including the urinary system were normal.
Combined treatment (herbal and homeopathic remedies) was prescribed for three months, along with Magnesium Detox® and suitable diet.
Visit |
Second |
The woman adhered to the prescribed treatment, including the diet. She felt very well. She enjoyed the diet and said it did her good. She had no complaints to report. All values were normal.
She was advised to continue the treatment for another month.
Comment by Doctor Grigorova:
This woman was well aware of her own problems. It was obvious that the urinary system was indeed healed before she came for the visit, but the rest of her complaints surfaced with the Voll test. She attributed the back pain to problems with the spine but in my opinion they were related to the gall bladder. As the bacteria had colonized massively the intestines, adhering to the prescribed diet and the oxygenation supplement were crucial for the positive outcome. If the intestines are not cleansed there is a risk of bacterial infestation to the urinary system and elsewhere.
Clinical case – persistent swelling and joint pain.
Patient | Age | Gender | Complaints/Official diagnosis | Visit |
P. K. | 44 | Male | Arthritis | First |
Mr. P .K. was a big strong man with good complexion. He was just 44 but he did not feel well, his joints – knees, shoulders, and ankles – were sore and painful. The onset of the problems was many years earlier, in his adolescence, worsening overtime. By the time he came in for the visit this had become a major issue for him, immensely restricting his ability to move freely and engage in athletic activities. Constant pain impaired the quality of his life. He took daily anti-inflammatory drugs through the mouth and sometimes he needed corticosteroid injections. He also complained with frequent urination that interfered with his sleep at night. He felt old and tired all too soon.
Voll test: Staphylococcus (+) positive.
Joints, the pancreas, spleen, kidneys and liver were affected. All abnormally high values were resolved with a single remedy, Chelidonium majus 200 CH.
In addition, diet was prescribed too.
Visit |
Second |
37 days later. The man adhered to the treatment. His knees and ankles were good, the pain relieved. There was still lingering soreness and pain when moving in his left shoulder.
Voll test: Staphylococcus (+) positive.
We still had signals from the joints and the liver. The spleen, pancreas and kidneys got to normal.
The treatment was continued and supplemented.
One month later he called in to report he was feeling well.
Comment by Doctor Grigorova:
No nosode for Staphylococcus was administered in this clinical case. Chelidonium worked so well from the very beginning that I decided to have it as a primary treatment agent. The herb Chelidonium majus, in the form of tincture, is used in the Russian alternative medicine for liver detox, while water extract is used for enemas against colon polyps. However, because of the toxicity of the plant, a better option is to administer the potentiated, homeopathic form instead.
One comment
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Thank you for the article. Thumbs up!